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Archive for the tag “Corporate Campaign Contributions”

Occupy Wall Street (Part 3)

A Real Estate Agents Perspective!



     I get really irritated whenever I hear a member of our government who is a so called financial expert claim that no one saw the financial meltdown of the housing market coming.  I was a Real Estate Agent from 2000 to almost 2005 and we all, agents, brokers, and loan officers alike, knew what was eventually coming.  It doesn’t take a financial genius to figure out that you just don’t sell $450,000 homes to people who could really only afford $225,000 homes at impossibly low adjustable rate mortgages of three and a half percent that would nearly double or triple over three to five years and expect everything to be just  hunky dory.  Quite simply, the government financial advisors who state that they didn’t see this coming are either outright liars or the most incompetent stupid financial idiots that ever walked the face of this planet.  And since we know they aren’t that stupid that only leaves the first choice above.

     And then for our government to have been complacent and allowed big banks and Wall Street to develop and implement a ponzi scheme insurance racket called derivatives that intentionally sucked the middle class dry was nothing less then securities fraud.  And finally, to have the gall to use tax payer money to bail banks out and not let them go bankrupt as payment for their misguided greed was utter and complete government mismanagement.  And with all that said, now four years later, not one person has been indicted and gone to jail for this treasonous crime against the United States.  Instead, they got bonuses.  Who says crime doesn’t pay!

     If this had been any average middle class American he or she would have never seen the light of day ever again.  Is it any wonder that the tea party or the occupy Wall Street movement are outraged.  This country, I’m sorry to say, is broken.  And as citizens of this once great country it is our duty to fix it.  Only elect politicians who do not use corporate campaign contributions and move as much money as you can out of large financial institutions and into small community run banks or credit unions.  They say that small businesses are the backbone of America, so let’s make them to big to fail!



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