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Archive for the month “June, 2014”

Oscar, The Feline Empath


      A couple of years ago I read  a book about this most amazing cat, “Oscar” and his ability to know when death is about to collect a patient in a hospice in Rhode Island. The title, Making Rounds With Oscar, by David Dosa, M.D.

     It seems that Oscar is able to sense, within twenty four hours, when an Alzheimer’s patient is about to pass over. And the doctor, David Dosa, sets out to try and find out how Oscar comes by this knowledge. In the end, and this won’t ruin the book for anyone, he decides that it is through smell that Oscar comes by this gift, however, this is only his guess.

     After reading the book I am more interested in knowing why Oscar does this then how? Think about the intelligence that must go into this feat of incredible love and understanding being exhibited by a cat, and no disrespect is meant to cats.  As a cat person I do not want to down play what a cat feels, but in this case Oscar sits with each dying patient in his or her last hours of life sharing with them one of the cruelest ways to pass, and somehow Oscar seems to know and feel empathy for them in advance not wanting them to die alone.

     It just makes me wonder if Oscar might have lived a previous life where there was no one with him who cared about him in the end? And now he has made it his life’s calling to see at least a handful of souls all the way threw the process and perhaps even waits with them until an angel comes to take them home?

     I encourage anyone who is an empath, or otherwise, to read this extraordinary story. It is a gift for all to experience! 

Bill Walker

God Consciousness and The Great Spirit


     I have read many views about spirit and how we are somehow separate from the one source (God). I have a hard time with this way of viewing our existence. We are not individual spirits separated from the one spirit, we are the spirit that floats inside of God.  I look at our existence like we are the neurons that flow freely around, and inside, the mind of this great creator. We are Gods thoughts and not the thoughts of God that float freely outside in an unrelated universe. And yes, as we grow, and learn, and experience, so does this ultimate creator. We are all one, on different paths, within the same mind, or thought, occupying the same spacial universe.


     We are always allowed to make the same mistake over, and over, again, and again, until we find the answer that best suits are needs before we move on to the next challenge. We are only held accountable when we try to alter someone else’s path in a way, or manner, that is not conducive to the path that they are experiencing. In other words, when we try to change, or control, their freedom of will we have stepped beyond what consciousness has permitted on a social level. And even then, we are always forgiven, because the pathways that we travel on are such that we will eventually see, or find, truth. In the end, spirit truth can not be escaped, no matter how hard one might try to ignore it.


     Everything, at least as far as I’m concerned, light and dark as well, is present inside this great expanse that we know by many names, but which all make up one great and magnificent spirit. And we are that spirit, it is our vessel to create within, for-ever-more!


     And we should never fear this creation that we are helping to expand, this universe is all of ours to share equally!

     Love, light, and peace.

Empathic Consciousness


     If I am a true empathic spirit, then a fair amount of that empathy goes towards all of you who share this community of shared consciousness.  It hurts me to read about all of the guilt being heaped on many of you by family, friends, as well as religious naysayers that have absolutely no room to talk.  We were all blessed with an incredible range of spiritual experiences here on this Earth by the hand of a spectacular universe that believed that we had attained a level of understanding to be able to deal with a reality that many others are just not ready to accept or explore.  You may be confused by the things that happen to you but you should also be very proud of the level you have achieved and don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise. 


     There is an awakening that is already taking place all around us and this awakening will continue to accelerate as humanity moves forward.  And I truly believe that we are the chosen ones that will lead and teach about a new frontier of spiritual evolution to our own human race.  The abilities that you have are not some grand mistake or misunderstanding of universal proportions.  God meant for you to have these gifts because God knew that you were ready for them.  And the realm that is just starting to open up to our race needs people who can face it with courage, empathy, and love, and I know for certain that every single one of you reading this has these qualities.  It was no mistake that we found this site, and then each other, as we explore this fantastic new place that few if any humans have traveled before us.  But over coming spiritual bigotry is not our only challenge.


     As we walk this path many of you already know that it is not a piece of cake to be taken lightly.  There are many of us who have already faced a dark energy, and if you haven’t yet, eventually you probably will.  These dark energies are a part of our education as they exist in both our physical daily lives as well as our spiritual lives including our dreams.  And our fear, or lack of fear, is either their greatest strength over us, or their eventual defeat.  Quite simply we are the light that dark energy has revulsion for and fears and remember that you will never stand alone.


     We should stand as one because we are the evolutionary future of our race.  Be proud of what and who you are.  You and I are the light and eventually the teachers blazing the path for all that will follow.  It is our time!


A Ghost Story: And I was the Ghost



I published this article in Fate Magazine in November 1996. I’m writing the article just as it appeared back then. And I swear it’s all true!


     I don’t know exactly how long I had been asleep that winter night, but I suddenly became aware of my own racing heart as well as a release of heavy perspiration. I tried desperately to grasp at some kind of conscious reality, but this dark void had taken my sleep and I could not escape. The only real feeling my mind could absorb was that a part of me was, for some reason, terrified. But I wasn’t at all sure of the source of my terror.

     Then, just as suddenly as this had begun, it ended. I became aware of an incredible lightness to my body. I traveled toward my closed bedroom door. As I reached instinctively for the doorknob, I had the strangest sensation of passing right through the door. A great sense of urgency overcame me, preventing me from even trying to reason what was taking place.

     I was now heading down the hallway past the bathroom toward my combination front room, dining room, and kitchen. As I moved forward, I noticed the smoke detector with its little red light ahead of me. What was unusual about this was my ability to see it without having to look up. That was when it first occurred to me that I might be having an out of body experience.

     As I entered the front room the reason for my intense fear became strikingly apparent. Looking down I saw two older teenage males moving towards me. What happened next is very difficult to put into words. I had this feeling that someone, or something, from outside of me wanted me to will myself visible to these two intruders. I must have done this because their faces took on the appearance of both disbelief and horror. Only a moment passed before they bolted for the door to my apartment-with me in hot pursuit.

     I saw them go out the door just before I had the sensation, once again, of passing right through it. I caught my last glimpse of them leaving the building. Then there was an intense flash, like a camera bulb going off in an otherwise dark room. Again, all that I was aware of for several moments-I really have no idea how long-was my heart beating faster then I could ever remember it beating before, and that my body was soaked in sweat.

     After what seemed to be an incredibly long amount of time, I was able to calm my heartbeat and open my eyes. When I finally felt that I was in control, I checked the clock at my bedside. It was four A.M. I had gone to bed at about midnight.

     At this point I was feeling very disoriented, to say the least, I decided to get up, which was not an easy chore, and check my apartment.

     I might have been able to convince myself that I had had some kind of dream-except for one thing. When I got to the front door of my apartment, it was standing open several inches, caught on a fold in the carpet. That couldn’t have happened unless someone was in an awfully big hurry to leave through a door that I know was closed when I went to bed.


Bill Walker

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